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Search results

  1. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► Not the biggest of issues, but it sure feels like it is.

    GAY HIM UP. jk I'd say that given that hug and your closeness you might as well just admit your feelings for him. I think there's a good enough chance that he'll reciprocate, and even if he doesn't, at least you'll never wonder what if.
  2. Archetype00x

    Nocturnal Emissions! [a pulp horror / dark comedy role-play?]

    I've been fixating on a particular idea / scenario for a while: essentially, there is this town, the archetypical 'Somewhere, Americana,' which has recently and inexplicably become the focus of a number of supernatural plagues — undead pouring out of mortuaries and graveyards, aliens invading...
  3. Archetype00x

    Looking to start a fight

    So, yeah. Open battle, one or more challengers, characters with minor powers (no dimension altering, matter manipulation, etc.) I will post a template once I get an opponent.
  4. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► Alone and Depressed

    Well, have you been living in that same one bedroom apartment with your sister, your mom and her boyfriend? I don't see how living conditions would be different if the boyfriend was swapped out with another partner. Or is it different? I'd like to help, but I think I'm quite grasping the...
  5. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► Alcoholic mother

    In the past few years I've been on KHI I know I've brought up my domestic problems before, but I don't think I've sought advice exclusively on dealing with my mothers illness. My mother is an alcoholic. She has been drinking for as long as I can remember, but it was never a serious problem...
  6. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► So there's like a bump on my thing.

    If you have pubes, it might be an ingrown hair? Most likely it's just a harmless blemish, but if it sticks around, you should probably let somebody know.
  7. Archetype00x

    sum potry lol

    I wrote some things for some stuff. -- The cornflower men they all line up in rows of 16 to take swigs of musty, ringing dusk scarlet droplets staining fine-stitched suit pinned bluebell bachelor's button They're only boys, yet they speak in precious foreign tongues bring me trinkets rolls of...
  8. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    It's not black and white for everyone. Some homosexuals might actually not want to subject themselves to merciless persecution at the hands of the people in their backwoods hick town for being open about their sexuality.
  9. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    omg yes that's always been my dream
  10. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    bitch u tryin to move in mah teritoiry???!!!
  11. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    (shh play along) bitch ur jus jealous
  12. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    im a total qt and u no it angel from 7 to 7 you can have me open like a 7/11 bby ;o
  13. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    hey angel wanna date ill be ur kitty
  14. Archetype00x

    [POLL] Mar-look-sha or Mar-loo-sha?

    Call it what you want, but the correct phonetic pronunciation is Mar-loo-sha.
  15. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

  16. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    Oh, well, it's really nice that you two have such a deep relationship.
  17. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    It's a little strange, yes. Perhaps he's got feelings for you despite what he considers his sexuality?
  18. Archetype00x


    Trying out a new character. Bear in mind, he was created largely in a humorous context, so don't take him too seriously. I'm looking for a challenger with around the same level-powers; something simple, but with lots of capability. Aaaand... go. (oh, btw; the lower-cased pronouns were on...
  19. Archetype00x

    Monstro:most confusing thing ever?

    It's actually pretty simple. If you actually committed yourself to learning the layout, maybe you would've enjoyed it more.
  20. Archetype00x

    Help/Support ► The LGBT Help and Support Thread (v3)

    I can't say what I am wishing, but I assure you, were it to come true, it would not be pleasant for you.