• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. X

    Just something I noticed. ;)

    .i remember seeing that. .but i didn't realll think it was that important. .maybe it was just a slight error that they did.
  2. X


    .*hugs a zexion plushie*. .zexion is freakin hawt as heck.! .his hair is amazing. .he fights with a lexicon. .he's amazingly smart.which makes him an awesome schemer. xD .he knows how to cook. .and the youngest member (next to roxas). .zexion is just a super fantastic sexy guy. xD. .
  3. X

    Deep Jungle?

    .i liked deep jungle (stupid copy rights thing >.<). .but there was only thirteen floors.and it was nice to take a break in the 100 acre woods.instead of card fighting.
  4. X

    If you could be any character in the game who would it be

    .i would either want to be larxene (being a sadist bitch...HOW FUN.! xD).olette (i just loved her.and her character :D).or aqua (she seems like a badass chick.who knows how to fight.! ^-^)
  5. X

    Question about Org. Members

    .i hated ansem. .too freakin hard.and i kept dieing....A LOT.but i eventually beat him. .and in the end it was all worth it. xD .also i agree that zexion should've lived.along with larxene.but think about it.i highly doubt they would have been necessary to the kh2 plot.
  6. X

    Is it possible to get to a high level on Destiny Islands?

    .i believe it's possible. .but it will take forver. .usually before i leave the islands i get to a level of about 16.
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    Early Screenshot of KH

    .i remeber seeing that on youtube. .man.i thought you could actually go to disney castle at first. .but they lied. >.<
  8. X

    .heya.nebie aboard.

    .hello eveyone.! .just letting people know im new. .i absoulutely love this sit and will try my best to be active. =)