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  1. O

    the new kingdom hearts(read people)

    Ok these theories are really well thought out and everything but the problem is that when deep dive came out we made billions of theories(I know I did). Well anyways most of us where only half correct. If somebody said they're theory was correct i'd bet against it. See whats the point of...
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    *Spoiler*Here is the anwser to KH2 secret ending confusion!

    yea it does seem kind of weird since namura hasnt even givin out any info,nor has he really made a true storyline..but hey people have connections here...the story does sound like it might be real but i really cant be sure..hey well anyways nice find
  3. O

    the secret is now being revealed

    hey i was watching the secret ending for kingdom hearts 2 and i notcied something they said, ''the keyblade brought ruin,and it saved the world'' so do you think that maybe that video is like the end of kingdom hearts 2 but its that guys side of the story.... my other theory is that the dragon...
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    secret movie and kh3 giveaways,read and find out

    Ok I came up with this idea a while back but I thought I should research them a little. Well i didnt really get a chance to research it but im very curious. Here it goes.. When Namura said that the game wouldnt be in the same order as the Kingdom Hearts games had been. Well I was thinking that...
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    I Got It I Got It!! The Secret Movie!! Read This!!!!!!!

    oh yeah now i see it,hehe..it was just kind of hidden
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    I Got It I Got It!! The Secret Movie!! Read This!!!!!!!

    yeah and that would esplain ''birth by sleep'' you know when sora is regaining his memories
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    I Got It I Got It!! The Secret Movie!! Read This!!!!!!!

    dude it showed the handle!! im playing it right now and it has a wing on the ''handle''
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    I Got It I Got It!! The Secret Movie!! Read This!!!!!!!

    OK I THINK I MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN IT!!!in kh2 rikus sword had a wing on the handle and on the tip of the blade.but if you watch the secret video rikus sword didnt have the wing,wich means it took place before kh2!
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    memory-maybe link to kh3

    well who else could it have been
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    memory-maybe link to kh3

    but riku never lost his memory..did he?
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    memory-maybe link to kh3

    could be,but i thought she could only mess with sora and those alligned with him
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    memory-maybe link to kh3

    i was just playing kh2,and i noticed something very strange....in twilight town at the mansion where all the pods are,there was an examine button on a couple of the pods(wich were not soras,donalds,or goofys) and one said ''this hasnt been used in a while'' and ''there is evidence this was used...
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    *tetsuya namura secret video* PLEASE READ

    see like that.i didnt hear that anywhere.like do you have a link to any of his other interviews?
  14. O

    Darkside of Worlds? (Spoilers of KH2 ending)

    dude thats what i was thinking like a week or so ago..because really it makes perfect sence!
  15. O

    *tetsuya namura secret video* PLEASE READ

    ok people keep saying namura made an interview about the secret video,well i saw the one on the home page about what he's planning but i didnt see one about the secret video.does someone have a link to the interview on the secret video??
  16. O

    *secret video theory* READ

    couldnt it take place in the land of nothingness..?..like outside of the land it could be the future but inside it time is all messed up
  17. O

    *secret video theory* READ

    well yeah that would be a huge spoiler..but nothing else fits if it was way in the future or way in the past.i thought for a while that it all took place while sora was regaining his memories.but that didnt really fit either
  18. O

    *secret video theory* READ

    Hey I just came up with a theory.People are saying the video is a spin off for kh3.Then people are saying ''its in the past'' ''its in the fusture''..Well what if the videos part of the ending for kh3? I mean think about it,in deep dive they showed Kairi on the island watching a meteor like...
  19. O

    KH2 secret video *SPOILERS*

    well yes that may be true.but why would namura bother going through all the trouble to make a complicated past timeline that would just mess up the story.i think that it takes place in the dimension of ''nothingness'' when ''time'' doesnt matter.all is lost...you get the picture..that would...