Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
That's only if you're worried about the fanboy death squad. Also, if you insert things that happen after KH2 you can somewhat change the way they react towards certain situations. And the main character isn't from Kingdom Hearts anyway. He's a specially brewed Zceith recipe.
And finally...
I was wondering if anyone would spot my fatal downfall... you can only make a pig so fat before it busts open. But, I'll do the double spacing, thanks!
And when I said lethal doses, I meant it. Don't worrry. I have twenty-three lives left.
Hiya everybody! It's your favorite newbie Zceith!!! This is my first fanfic ever, so I doubt that anyone will like it, but if you do then good! I'll probably post a new chapter every few days depending on the length of the chapter, so you might want to be prepared for long waits. Here we...
Gyagggghhhhh!!!!! Such ignorance I have!!!! My humblest apologies!!! I way unaware that dono was gender specific! *frantic bows and oros* I merely was attempting to address snow-sama with the right amount of respect. Also I believe that the actual usage was dono=My lord, but it has probably...
No one thought you would. Now I'll shut up and let someone else insert their orgasmic expeience while reading the combined effort of two of the best writers in the forum.
I went to a level forty-five area asking for cooler sunglasses- good evening this is Zceith. The first part is exceptional, but everyone in the forum knows that it will get even more orgasmic as it progresses. Zceith out.
Hey, snow-dono *waves at snowdog while being mauled by level forty-five...
...wow... speechless... you own... *collapses from overpowering prescence that snow-dono and dee-sama radiate* must hone skill... otherwise will be left behind...
...snow-dono, do you own at everything you try? It seems suspiciously so... Anyway, I still in deprivation without a new chappy! Please help meeeeee.....
EDIT: Deprivation has been averted. Many thanks.
I'm caught between the frying pan and the fire... You both own. End of story. Now go back to writing your respective masterpieces before I die of deprivation.
Chaseers!!!! Aughh!! Great chappy, I think it's the best yet! Makes me want to pry the rest of the story from your cold dead fingers... I'm joking... I think.