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Search results

  1. M

    New KHBBSFM NO heart boss scans

    So... I wonder. Vanitas left a Sentiment/Remnant. As did Terra. What IS a Sentiment/Remnant? Is it just the emotionless remain of a Keyblade Wielder who has their own armor and die due to specific circumstances? A kind of armor zombie? If so, that is two more "zombies" that make up the bosses...
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    Re:Coded Ultimania Director Interview

    Re: Coded Ultimania Director Interview SuperSailorEarth, how I oh so much hope you are right in your prediction. I've been craving a Mickey game for so long now, it's almost making me froth at the mouth. But let's see here then! Basically the E3 trailer was BS and we should disregard any...
  3. M

    Kingdom hearts birth by sleep final mix NEW SCANS

    Man I love how Nomura is all coy about whether the armored figure is Eraqus or not when it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS it's his keyblade. Then again this is Nomura and he does so LOVE to make things unneccesarily complicated, so maybe it will be... idk Eraqus brothers cousins room-mates Nobodys...
  4. M

    Birth By Sleep -Final Mix- in Weekly Famitsu, full translation.

    Yup, so far most of the info we've seen on the Final Mix implies that not much storywise has been added, just a bunch of interesting extra commands (the illusions) and the extra boss battles. Me, I'm glad. If they had done something like, say, add a Mickey-story mode where we saw what Mickey was...
  5. M

    New FM details from Famitsu

    Interesting... I heard that they would most likely not add that much new content since they said they pretty much filled up the disc last time around, but who knows if that was just publicity talk because being able to transform into an Unversed sounds like it could be lots of fun! I guess it's...
  6. M

    First International Screens!

    I have to admit that I like what I'm looking at here... but I still don't really want to buy the game when I already spoilered myself by following the translated snippets of the story as they were released. I just don't know if I can justify shelling out the cash to this when I'm already aware...
  7. M

    An online survey regarding your opinions about Digital Distribution for games.

    Evening, Kingdom Hearts Insider! Multi_Skyscraper here with a small request to make: I'm studying to become a game designer over here in Sweden, and one of the courses I'm taking is the study of scientific methods. As homework I have been charged to investigate a subject using one such method...
  8. M

    Re: Coded doesn't have a secret movie but a 'secret talk'

    Re: Coded doesn't have a secret movie but a 'secret talk' I wonder if this Secret Talk is going to be something like: Yen Sid: "Mickey, it is imperative that you do NOT tell Sora anything concrete about what happened ten years ago, but instead that you are very vague about it, obfuscate the...
  9. M

    Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Fandub Production *Spoilers!*

    Congratulations to the people who made it in! Can understand why my own attempts didn't do too well, my samples were way too quiet when I gave them a relisten... oh well, can't win them all. Though now I have to admit I'm wondering what they mean with other characters being auditioned for... I...
  10. M

    LEVEL article about Kingdom Hearts- the history, the creators and Tetsuya Nomuras thoughts!

    That I did- took me ages to make it sound halfway decent in English. Also, now I'm wondering if maybe I should have posted this somewhere else but the Birth By Sleep section, since this really concerns Kingdom Hearts as a whole more than just Birth By Sleep... oh well. Maybe the mods can move...
  11. M

    LEVEL article about Kingdom Hearts- the history, the creators and Tetsuya Nomuras thoughts!

    Hello all! Once again I come (more than a little bit late) with the translation of the LONG Kingdom Hearts article in LEVEL magazine issue 53. I recently translated the review, but there was also an article there that has now turned into a behemoth of nine pages in Word and over 4000 words. I...
  12. M


    I do not see the bias people are crying about- except the bias in the people who are already giving it 9/10 or 10/10 without having even played the game :P It seems like a fair review to my ears, anyhow! I think that the mention of new worlds might not matter if said new worlds don't really...
  13. M

    Japaense Box Art (Looks Fun!)

    Aww, it's so cheerful and adorable! ... Which just makes what happens in it hurt even more :(
  14. M

    PlayStation: The Official Magazine Review

    A solid review, well argued and bringing up points both good and bad. And for the people moaning about OTHER people moaning about the load times... we're FANS. We have been waiting YEARS for this game, so we're so neckdeep in obsession that load times don't matter to us. But to the gamer who...
  15. M

    Will their ages be stated?

    True true, Disney characters never age and all that jazz- but it still feels WEIRD that time seems to affect no world other than Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands. And after all, didn't HDL age in that spin-off Quack Pack? Haven't Disney at times shown their own characters to age into adults...
  16. M

    Will their ages be stated?

    What I wonder regarding aging... is whether or not they will explain how the heck Hewey, Dewey and Louie are STILL mere ducklings in this game and how come they haven't aged AT ALL in Kingdom Hearts games to follow. That's just uncanny man.
  17. M

    Theory: Why the Gizmo Clock Gets Stuck at 6:54....and Other Stuff...

    In actuality, the only reasons the clocks are like that is because Luxord spends his spare time inbetween missions world-hopping and messing up clocks wherever he can find them for laughs. That dastardly, DASTARDLY pierced, British-accented man.
  18. M

    LEVEL Magazine review of Birth By Sleep!

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, will definitely try to get the article translated by at the very least tomorrow. It seems almost as if the reviewer was too busy being grateful that we got some answers to the storyline to bother talking about the gameplay: from the "easily navigated" remark at...
  19. M

    LEVEL Magazine review of Birth By Sleep!

    Hello all! A while ago there was news on the frontpage that the cover of LEVEL magazine, one of Swedens best videogame magazines if I may say so myself, had not only Kingdom Hearts fan-art on it's cover, but also a review of Birth By Sleep. The game received an 8/10, and all was well. However...
  20. M

    The Making of BBS - Animation

    A very interesting read, especially since I've studied 3D-animation and see some of what he's talking about here. What interests me the most is how the animators plan to differ the Unversed from the Heartless. Heartless movement are very skittish and herky-jerky, while Nobodies do not walk so...