• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. S

    Help/Support ► a not-so big problem

    Re: (updated) a problem that might need help from those with alot of expirience Honestly, the situation got out of hand. Maybe its best that you guys don't get married until everyone involved is okay with it. I mean, you could give them that at least. If you and you guy are still in love...
  2. S

    who has finished KH1, lvl. 100, secret ending and ultima weapon & defeated Sephiroth?

    Re: who has finished KH1, lvl. 100, secret ending and ultima weapon & defeated Sephir Dang. Now that is one hell of thing to do. I managed to make it to level 80 and that was hard. Can't beat sephiroth and can never get one hit out of him. But, I did got the secret ending and that was more...
  3. S

    Any significance to this symbol?

    Wow, of all the places you looked at, eh? Haha. Nonetheless, it may have some significance but you know the japanese, they would love to think that even a belt buckle symbolizes something. I don't think it has any meaning to it
  4. S

    Worth pre-ordering?

    Pre-ordering is just a marketing ploy to get you to pay a ton of a cash just so you can get the same item that you could get if it were to come a week later. Save your money and just wait it out. It ain't the end of the world if your friends are talking about it earlier...
  5. S

    Help/Support ► Need help, topic is a wonderful girl <3

    Just do the old fashion way. Go up to her and have a small chat with her. Do it without her friends there. Theres nothing more annoying than trying to talk to a girl with the nagging howlings of bitches in the background. You pretty much have nothing to lose anyways if she turns u down.