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  1. M

    Anyone else think Sora pales in comparison to TAV?

    put it this way....Xehanort was just too smart for all of them
  2. M

    Will Sora be in the secret ending for FM? Will it be action based?

    I think nomura said in an interview that the secret ending would show how terra and MX were distributed betwween xemnas and ansem. so that leades me to believe that this will bridge the gap between BBS and KH1. that way there's no need to make a new game to explain all the details.
  3. M

    Will Sora be in the secret ending for FM? Will it be action based?

    I think nomura said in an interview that the secret ending would show how terra and MX were distributed betwween xemnas and ansem. so that leades me to believe that this will bridge the gap between BBS and KH1. that way there's no need to make a new game to explain all the details.
  4. M

    New KHBBSFM NO heart boss scans

    lol why...because you're right about it and the fact that you're debating on a subject that you obviously can't prove makes me wrong....-_- please get your head out your butt >_< I meant to say roxas when did he release his heart? I don't remember.
  5. M

    New KHBBSFM NO heart boss scans

    @heartseams your logic is extremely flawed and chasepicer does have a point. you said that the heart shapes what a person looks like (which I can agree with) but your logic becomes faulty when you say that it is fact that vens heart is inside of terra when it is infact debatable since sora...
  6. M

    My theory. Ven and Sora, Terra and Riku: decoding how they relate to each other.

    but you said that time was in the past(probaly before they were born)
  7. M

    My theory. Ven and Sora, Terra and Riku: decoding how they relate to each other.

    but like OmniChaos said, it was sent to them when they were about to fight xanhort, so it should have reached them before riku left. So that theory can't be true. if they sent the keyblade back then(probaly before Sora was even born).
  8. M

    My theory. Ven and Sora, Terra and Riku: decoding how they relate to each other.

    can you explain to me how it wouldn't get to him.
  9. M

    My theory. Ven and Sora, Terra and Riku: decoding how they relate to each other.

    First of all, I would like to state that in the first trailer of the new kingdom hearts, terra picks up Sora's keyblade, Ven picks up Riku's keyblade, and Aqua picks up what is most likely Kari's keyblade *note in the second trailer terra, aqua, and ven fight xanhort and dark soldier WITHOUT...
  10. M

    KH: FM+ Secret video: past or Present

    both in the past and the future