Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Most of the delays came from this: There was a huge hassle of whether or not to show it in theaters in America. They were going to but too many people had downloaded the sibbed version. There was also troubles in booking the same voice actors they had from KH.
Not true. The AC clothing was for the Japanese version, it will still be in the American version. KH2 will still come out in Spring 2006. Advent Children will just come out later.
Advent Children has been out in Japan since September. There were a lot of delays and issues of whether or not this movie would be shown in theaters. I'm not even sure they have finished the vocals and lip-synching for AC.
I was thinking the same thing earlier today. But remember taht Nomura had plans to release FFXII before KH2 but with delays, FFXII isn't coming out until August. Dirge of Cerberus is coming out in June and I'm very sure KH2 will be released at least a month before that. The only thing that had...
This contains spoilers of the identities of the Superior and The 13th member of the organization. Since this thread is in the spoilers section and you have been warned I shall continue.
The superior offical name is:
Now lets take the "x" out of his name:
Rearrange the letters...
No, its ok. I've already beat the game seven times inside and out. I was just wondering if having a higher score than riku made him easier in Hollow Bastion or what?