Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Right. That's what I meant to say. thank you for correcting me. I am too. hahahaha. sorry 'bout that. anyways. sorry again. won't make the same mistake. sorry. oh, and did i say i was sorry? idodn't remember, sorry.
Exactly. Using her characters, would be like plagerising an essay for school. It's using someone else's ideas and claiming them for your own. It just wouldn't be the right thing to do, unless the person gives you permission first. There you go. There's my support to 'Twilight Town'.
Hey! It's going great. Keep it up. It would be really cool if the Hero of Winds could meet up with the Hero of Time. Anyways, you probably know what you're going to do for a little while on in the story. So, it is a really great story. Good job!