• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. B

    donald fucks everything up

    thank you to williamthewise for not being an ass about it. :)
  2. B

    donald fucks everything up

    how about one of you tells me how to delete this then if its so pointless. some people dont sit here all day every day. when someone doesnt know something ive noticed you all like to act like witty know it alls.
  3. B

    Sephiroth lowest level

  4. B

    Any Luxord Fans?

    luxord was a dick... i hated fighting him... other than that the accent is hot in its own way. but i think xaldin is hot with the lambchops haha.. i dont know im odd
  5. B

    donald fucks everything up

    i entered the west hall in beast's castle and there was a rare heartless... so i hit the suit of armor and a ton of crimson jazz came out... i tried to run from them to the bulky vendor heartless and couldn't stop getting hit so i fought them off.. when i was done i found that donald had hit the...
  6. B

    Most Annoying Heartless

    kh1 was definitely black fungus. i hate squeaky toys. and in kh2 crimson jazz. i have the ultima weapon and im at level 75 and they still knock sora onto his back and take away a ton of health.
  7. B

    Most hated Organization Member

    Luxord... i was THISCLOSE to losing that battle...and Larxene.. stupid cunt
  8. B

    Most Annoying Heartless

    black fungus, they sound like squeaky toys and are near impossible to kill