Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I recently bought BBS, and I am having a little trouble battling him as Aqua. I am in the KeyBlade Graveyard fighting him with Mickey. Does anyone know any good strategies for defeating him?
I found a bunch of videos today, and some of them surprised me. Could this possibly lead to Kingdom Hearts 3?
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - Secret Ending Part 1 Subtitled
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - Secret Ending Part 2 Subtitled
YouTube - KH: BBS Secret Ending...
the game is installed. I can create my character. I can see the opening crawl and the Ebon Hawk on fire. But when the game actually begins, my computer won't load. The screen just turns black. I am playing this on a Microsoft Windows XP 2002 version computer.
Does anyone know how to clear the address bar, on your Ps3? Clearing the history didn't work so I figured their would be some way to do it, anyone know?
The only difference to me was that on standard mode you have to complete everything to get the secret ending, and on proud mode all you have to do is beat the game to get the secret ending.