• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. Slader

    Middias: The Brave Saga

    Synopsis: In the beginning, there was nothing. It began with a giant cry in the distance, thus creating the birth of the Gods: Ein, Enki, and Nephilim. As centuries passed, the Gods matured in mind, body and powers. They had created their own world, the Ether Realm; with servants the Gods...
  2. Slader

    Final Fantasy VII: Gaia's Core - OOC/Signup

    Synopsis: It’s been fifty years since the meteor crisis had occurred on the planet, Gaia, involving the ShinRa Corporation, the ecoterrorist group, AVALANCHE, and Sephiroth. To recap, after the meteor crisis was over ShinRa had lost all it’s power and the plague of geostigma soon spread after a...
  3. Slader

    Final Fantasy VII: Gaia's Core

    Final Fantasy VII: Gaia’s Core Synopsis: It’s been fifty years since the meteor crisis had occurred on the planet, Gaia, involving the ShinRa Corporation, the ecoterrorist group, AVALANCHE, and Sephiroth. To recap, after the meteor crisis was over ShinRa had lost all it’s power and the plague...
  4. Slader

    Can't hurt to say hello

    Hello, my name is Cal, but for everyone here you might as well call me Slader. I was asked to join the forums to aid some old friends in one of our old URPGs. So I'll mainly be sticking to that section but I thought I might as well make an entrance and just drop in and say hello. I look forward...