Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Must go to ebgames again and pick that up ._.' Ironically it was only yesterday that i nearly signed of for a subscription - but i said no...
But next time im there im definitely going to pick on of those up.
Hey there, I don't often post things, but i'm keen to advance my skills as I will be studying graphic design at university next year - i'd like to get some feed back to improve my skills.
I started this by following a tutorial - but got bored and went off on my own little tangent. XD
Sorry -...
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.
I hope they give the whole world the HD collection - otherwise it'll really frustrate me.
My PS2 keeps making strange noises - i don't want it to die for the sole purpose of playing Kingdom Hearts and of course my final fantasies - but mostly KH. :/
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie
Don't get me wrong - the game play was primitive
But - that actually made it more challenging.
The music still gets my heart racing,
And the storyline is still compelling - no matter how...
Re: Is Kingdom Hearts I really good or is it overrated due to nostalgia/first/ original of the serie
Kingdom Hearts 1 is still the best game I've ever played.
Correct me if I'm wrong here - but i think it caught a lot of people off guard - did it not?
It did to me at least.
I played it once...
Let downs? It depends who's asking.
I don't know - i suppose people's expectations were just too high.
Oddly enough, I played KH2 right after I'd first played KH1 - And loved it. I liked the sequel
As for FFXIII - I haven't PLAYED it yet - but i've watched the entire thing on youtube - 4 times...
I'm not sure how many people that I used to know here would still be here or even remember me - so I figured I'd reintroduce myself again. ^_^
I'm a light-hearted, carefree 18 yr old girl who believes that your reality is what you make it.
I disappeared from here around two years...
personally i dont think Ven Aqua or Terra are 14 or 15 years of age. I see them more as young adults... you know... around 18-25 years of age... Cause everyone who knows about the keyblade are shocked it chose someone as young as sora. ... Not flamming you or anything. Its just what i think...
Heck, I dont get it! I mean, a lot said that Maleficent was a hard boss and yet she just had to et herself killed by nobodies..........
She wasn't killed by nobodies...
She just created a diversion... so sora and co could "get away"
Undoubtedly. Its far too much of a ... *mental blank on work* plot dangler?
to leave open ended like that.
I wonder if we'll run into them in they're own world... cause we all know the castle they intended on "aquiring" came crumbling down
on the flip side... i dont want it to be too hard.
I agree kh2 was a bit easy but from what i've read BBS will proibably be a lot different. All im saying is that i dont think we should prejudge a game before it comes out. Personally i think even if the gameplay sucks the storyline will be worth it