Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Paintball rules. I just bought this today
Well in band me and my friend were saying that this girl had like bed fiestas with a spanish teacher. She was laughing the whole time. And then at the end we asked if she was offended and she said no. so the next day i didnt even suspect it but the principle called me in and had a talk with me...
Rikus heart was stronger but he became weaker than Sora when he gets the keyblade taken away. The light is kingdom hearts. im pretty sure im right on what i answered
Im going to give away a crab claw for FREE. Choose a number 1-10 and if you get it right you win. Only ten people can join and you cannot choose the same number twice
Im am giving away a Fairy Harp this time. Choose a number 1-10 and if you get it right youll win. Only 10 people can join and you cant choose the same number twice