• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. T

    Did the darkness save Sora?

    Hmmm... I think the darkness didn't save Sora. It was the light... Didn't Sora see a light when Kairi hugged him in Heartless form? He even said that he flew to it.. So I think Kairi's the one who saved him, using his light by accident (I mean, she didn't know that her light saved Sora)...
  2. T

    Who else here hates premium cards?

    Well as for me, I do most of my magics and summons using premium cards. Because of the consequence of losing the first card for sleights while not losing the rest, I just lost the first premium card I use for sleights. So I can cast magics with 'ga' (Firaga, etc) for sometime. It saves my CP...
  3. T

    At Long Last My Unbirth Theory!!!

    But didn't AtW also stated that Namine's a special Nobody (I recall that he said that to King Mickey in TWTNW), because she is made from a PoH who losses her heart? I think it is written on the same report in the end of paragraph 1... and the reason is in paragraph 2... Sorry if I make any...
  4. T

    Kairi no Nobadi

    Hey all! Ummm... I don't know if anyone has confirmed this or not. If there's someone who has confirmed this, I wanna join too! Hehe... Namine is Kairi's Nobody. Wanna deny? If you do, why don't you check Secret Ansem's Report 9 paragraph 1 and 2? You'd be surprised.. Thx..;P