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  1. K

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    Have you imported yet?:confused:
  2. K

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    Well it depends what they would put in there , but the more they put in there the less money the would make....I mean if they put a lot of info on there , then the new game won't be that good.
  3. K

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    Yea probably knowing SE, they would do that...
  4. K

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    Very true, all it leads too is argueing for USA about not getting the game.....I think it's not coming so I'm going to import.
  5. K

    Kingdom Hearts Re: Chains of Memories discussion

    I know they won't bring Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix here..But bringing Kingdo Hearts 2 Final Mix would be great , but I highly doubt that it will come to North America..
  6. K

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    I 100% agree with you on everything you just said , I don't think it's coming either....:closedeyes: