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Search results

  1. B

    the theory to end all theories (i guess?...)

    Erk. Uh... How can Terra have turned into Xehanort, then turned into Ansem (Heartless) and Xemnas, then have both of those destroyed, and THEN appear back into his original not-Xehanort-but-Terra form and attack Sora during KH2:FM? ... And, if Terra is our protagonist in BBS, why does one...
  2. B

    Aqua/Nomura Interview - Birth by Sleep

    ... Meh. Square is pretty sexiest, so I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to sub out Aqua for some unrevealed character as the third scenario.
  3. B

    therories for 358/2 Days

    Yes, but you gave me no proof. You basically just said what KershaFangs said. You can say I'm wrong all you want, but if you cannot offer a better explaination for what it is, I see no reason why it doesn't make sense. It fits perfectly. It wouldn't even seem so much if they hadn't put days...
  4. B

    therories for 358/2 Days

    ... I'm sticking to what I said. /2 = a half day. That's the only thing that fits.
  5. B

    therories for 358/2 Days

    ... I know that it looks like 358 over 2, but a half makes more sense than over two. 174 is irrelevant to anything in the series that anyone knows about. So it's either impossible for us to guess, or, more likely, it refers to the almost-year Roxas spent in the Organization. Which, it does.
  6. B

    therories for 358/2 Days

    ... the /2 is a half. 358 and a half. Plus six and a half days, the prologue of KH2. 365 days, 1 year. ... This has been discovered so many times it's not even fair.
  7. B

    Ven is Sora's brother

    O.o I was under the impression that this takes place in the FAR past. Like... Generations before KH1 , not just a few decades.
  8. B

    How can it be Namine?

    Aqua's Nobody**** ... Because Aqua obviously can't be a nobody, that makes no sense >.> ... Also, Namine would be really boring. I just don't see them doing it. :-X I mean, if you forced it into the storyline, it would technically fit, but... Really, why would they add a fourteenth member who...
  9. B

    KH2FM info, you may wanna read this (warning: spoilers)

    Well, every informational place I go usually includes the plus at the end to describe the whole game. The dis-soul thing is interesting, though. STILL... I wish they weren't called dis-souls. That's just such a crappy name for something so important. Soulless or something like that just doesn't...
  10. B

    KH2FM info, you may wanna read this (warning: spoilers)

    I figured most of that was confirmed already, except the dis-soul part and the new worlds, and the thing with the other island found on Destiny Islands. The dis-soul part... Why hasn't that been confirmed already? Same with the Destiny Islands. The new worlds part sounds like complete crap, we...