Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
exactly i dont think that roxas left becuase he was annoyed an axel (although it possible) i think he left because he was urged to by xion and thats were the problem began for axel either get rid of xion pissing roxas off or just wait until xion eventually managed to push him out herself he lost...
exactly i dont think that roxas left becuase he was annoyed an axel (although it possible) i think he left because he was urged to by xion and thats were the problem began for axel either get rid of xion pissing roxas off or just wait until xion eventually managed to push him out herself he lost...
i know what you mean KeyBlade_masta it does seem like quite a dark game so they probably wont feature toy story but pochohantas just seems like it could be quite a boring level and i dont see alot of what they could do with it
i know so many people have discussed this option but what would be your favourite disney world to see in birth by sleep mine personally would be a toy story world whats yours?