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Search results

  1. M

    KH2 Pirate Guns

    lol. what is green blood associated with? why did they have to sensor it?
  2. M

    KH2 Pirate Guns

    I hate how they sensor everything nowadays. We're mature enough to handle it. It's not like we're gonna go out into the real world and shoot ourselves.
  3. M

    KH2 Pirate Guns

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the first KH have Clayton with a shotgun? Why did they make the Pirate Zombies in KH2 have retarded crossbow-rifles? I thought it looked really retarded. Seriously! If they kept it in the first game, they should keep it in the second game.
  4. M

    Kingdom Hearts 2 FM+ Price

    If I were to take a plane to Japan and buy Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+, how much would the game actually cost in US dollars. My friend is going to Japan so I just wanted to know how much it actually costs. Sorry if someone asked this before. Thanks in advance!
  5. M

    What Happens to a Heart after a Natural Death?

    What happens to the heart of someone who dies naturally? We all know in real life the body decomposes, but what about their heart? Unless the Darkness just takes over the heart and turns it into a heartless. Any suggestions?
  6. M

    Secret Area in Hallow Bastion/Radiant Garden?

    do ps2 slims require a magic switch to use the swap magic?
  7. M


    that would be so cool if they did have one for KH2! I'm planning to get Action Replay, not to cheat (the game is way too easy the way it is), but to try different things like Roxas vs. Xemnas 1 and Riku
  8. M

    evil sand monster in agrabah! help please

    Hey guys can you help me defeat the sand monster in agrabah? I always get him down to like an ich left of health and then I die! Please tell me the way to kill him and his evilness