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Search results

  1. J

    Sweet Lily Dreams

    most people probably won't even know what this is, but it's a pc rpg created by a small studio called Rose Portal Games. So far this is their second game in the garden of dreams saga. the company designs games that have a similar taste to Disney fairy tales but have that pinch of Grim flavor to...
  2. J

    [SPOILERS] KH3D: Hopes and Fears. Like and Dislike.

    likes -Riku is a playable character -the return of traverse town -more additions to the combat system -the dream creatures and nightmares look cool as a substitution for the heartless dislikes -this is for the 3DS and i have no plans to buy it -i'll probably have to watch videos of it on...
  3. J

    Theories on Worlds Taken by Darkness and Sent to the Realm of Sleep

    alternate universe or parrelel dimension, or it could just be a dream of mickey, or another point in Mickey's time before he became King, like Timeless River level
  4. J

    Theories on Worlds Taken by Darkness and Sent to the Realm of Sleep

    i always thought of the same thing. it's true that some worlds were destroyed by the darkness, but by looking at the Castle of Dreams seen in the secret trailer we could think that some worlds were able to stay in tact due to their link with strong hearts or their link to the princesses of...
  5. J

    KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 Re:MIX Discussion

    Re: HD Remaster/Remake Discussion Thread please, theres no doubt in my mind that Square-Enix wouldn't re-release a HD remake of a game. now this series, there is a possibility. i think with the announcement of the FFX vita remake, there is a definite possibility that SE will be on a roll with...
  6. J

    My Corpse Party Review

    i'm writing this as a review of my experience playing this game based on the PSP version released on the North American PSN. I have tried to locate another page with the same title or feature about said game and have yet to find one. And so I will discuss this game in my review with minimal...
  7. J

    Birth By Sleep Volume Two?

    i honestly would like BBSV2 to be a full video game. Aqua had to do more then just walk a line in the Realm of Darkness, I'd like to think she tried to help those who were lost in the darkness find their way back to the light. who knows, she could have met Mickey in the RoD after Kingdom Hearts.
  8. J

    KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 Re:MIX Discussion

    Re: Kh & the xbox makes sense, going multi-platform over seas is a good idea and a bit of a money maker.
  9. J

    KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 Re:MIX Discussion

    Re: Kh & the xbox the possibility is possible, but you have to figure that Sony will go to war with Microsoft if it were even up for discussion. sony lost exclusiveness for FF13 and FF13-2, so you have to figure they will do anything to keep KH from the 360. however you also have to figure that...
  10. J

    Optional Bosses for Kingdom Hearts: DDD

    sheesh, it was just a suggestion, i mean Terra's Armor was an optional boss fight in KH2 Final Mix, so i figured why not Ventus since he is asleep and the game takes place in a dream.
  11. J

    Optional Bosses for Kingdom Hearts: DDD

    since the theme is Dream why not make Ventus an optional Boss or his armor? after all Ven is asleep so his dreams could clash with Sora and Riku.
  12. J

    Why is Aqua so popular?

    i've been a fan of Aqua since i first saw her without her helmet in the first CG trailer. and ever since then i've grown to respect her character and want to play her character more then Terra or Ventus. I think people are so into her because she's a well balanced character. she has a mothering...
  13. J

    KH3D 60-70% complete!

    thank you very much people, i was confused by that whole thing since i haven't had much time on the net recently. i guess it makes sense for them to re-learn how to use a keyblade from when they first used them. ok i'm catching up, thanks again everyone!
  14. J

    KH3D 60-70% complete!

    can anyone explain to me why Sora and Riku look younger in KH3D? i honestly don't get it why they look like they are from KH1 with new clothes. is there a story reason for this ?
  15. J

    PS VITA ports PS2 games

    ever since the vita was announced we've been hearing about games that will be ported from the PS2 and even be remade with HD graphics. So far we've got the following games confirmed. Final Fantasy X Persona 4 these two through my own research are being ported with upped graphics for the port...
  16. J


    [removed] the above link will send you to a website to register so you may vote for me. I am campaigning to be on the next Tester show. the show is a reality game show where the top 12 contestants from this website compete for the position of PlayStation Employee Tester. this is a dream job of...
  17. J

    Lumi+Daft Punk= ?Mystery?

    this is an idea i was thinking of for a bit. what would happen if Genki Rockets and Daft Punk got together and made an album together. i honestly think this would be phenomenal, especially if they came out with a video game together. Lumi obviosly does vocals and Daft Punk arranges with her...
  18. J

    Should I buy a 360 or Ps3?

    i'm getting my tax return in a few weeks and i want to use it to finally get a console after many months without one. however i'm in a dilema. i really want the 360 with kinect, but i look at the ps3 and the game collection and i'm caught between them both. i really want the kinect but the ps3...
  19. J

    Have you see her Dance?

    this is a girl i've been watching for a about a year now. she likes to dance and create her own choreography to popular music both American and j-pop. this is one of her latest videos and she rocks this song "We R Who We R". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuLIz0nMVIg she's been practicing and...
  20. J

    Persona 2 Innocent Sin For PSP

    i was actually surpised that no one else posted a thread for this announcement. Well for anyone who is interested we of the US and UK may finally have a chance to play a game that was far from our reach for more then 10 years. Persona 2 Innocent Sin has been slated to be remade and playable on...