• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. D

    Favorite World

    What is your favorite world or worlds? This includes Kingdom Hearts worlds too. Mine is 1.Hollow Bastion (KH) 2.The World That Never Was
  2. D

    ok ultima weapon or fenrir???

    Hey dont be messing with a Black Mages! We'll freakin kill ya!
  3. D


    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Can someone get me a link or something to a site where i can get the KH2 soundtract. I want 1 song... please tell me if there are other threads like this i looked around and found nothing.
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    Secret message part 2!

    I didnt know.. Ive heard of it... But never seen it (YET!) Never got around to beat proud mode untill today (just started)
  5. D

    Doesn't Aerith's voice suck in KH2

    I told my sister this when I heard her voice and Cid's.. They arent allowed to talk... Those two actors really sucked.... I hope in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Childern its a hella lot better...
  6. D

    Pick 3 KH2 people you would marry.

    1. Kairi 2. Tifa (My girl! Ill murder anyone of yas for her too!) 3. Meg Kairi would be my pick for this game becasue Tifa is hotter in FF7.
  7. D

    YRP, no where to be found...

    What purpose does old dead dragon ladie who came back at the begining?