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Search results

  1. K

    Shimomura talks about KHII Music

    that's what i was going to say yoko is a she !! a female music genius i really love her music since legend of mana
  2. K

    final mix

    Lol i really need lol but because the game is almost the same as english, a real kh fan wont see japanese as a tough problem
  3. K

    final mix

    Thats right but believe me voice acting in english doesnt help at all its only useful to watch scenes and the extra ones doesnt have that voice acting
  4. K

    final mix

    Lol japanese people went MAD when they saw sephiroth on our games and not on theirs son they complained at s-e and they agreed to gave them a more complex version exclusively for them, damn! lol
  5. K

    Ultimate Hits versions

    Re: weird item Ultimate hits is a recently version of kh released in japan around the past month i think, with a super low price there on japan, final fantasy x and x-2 were released also like ultimate hits
  6. K

    final mix

    Its the expert mode for final mix, tougher than expert in the american version but pretty funny, i also own final mix
  7. K

    Funny Videos

    Hi there i was wondering if someone can post a link to a page that contains funny videos like kingdumb hearts i have been looking and cant find anything, please help me !!! lol and Thanks anyway
  8. K

    Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Trailer help, plz?

    Divx doesnt play it??? ask the person who uploaded it to convert it
  9. K

    Re to "Who do you think this is?"

    Who knows??? but what about GEU???
  10. K

    favorite party member

    True king mickey would be awesome but also sephiroth could make a great job
  11. K

    Kairi's Fate... bad signs seen

    HMMM friendships shouldnt interferee with her job i think that even if she hangs out with paris she still can play kairi role well
  12. K

    favorite party member

    Hmmm cloud would be fine but by now i really like donald with his almost "perfect" timing with cure
  13. K

    Vote 4 Sora !!!

    If we all vote im sure sora could win remeber: together we can do it !!
  14. K

    Vote 4 Sora !!!

    Come on guys remember to vote today 4 sora by now he is winning but we have to keep voting come on sora !!!
  15. K

    Sora fusing

    Well i think you two have a point lol but has anybody thought tha bhk may fuse with his buddies also?
  16. K

    Sora fusing

    I really like that to happen only two characters to fuse with is some kind of wasting abilities
  17. K

    Another Theory...

    Maybe at some point he can become evil like ansem but that will be right for another game just like TTBK 2 says
  18. K

    Vote 4 Sora !!!

    We must make sora win because he is the last kh character still competing at that battle, everybody should know that riku lost at the first round because not many people knew about this so thats why im remind you all and in fact alucard is a very known character from castlevania symphony of the...
  19. K

    Another Theory...

    It would be a shock if suddenly sora becomes evil but that will kinda refresh the story somehow i think
  20. K

    Vote 4 Sora !!!

    Come on if dont remind everyone sora is gonna loose for lack of votes not everyone here knows about that battle