Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
The point Canito is trying to make is that there is an inherent rationale and paradox of the meaning behind heartLESS and NObodies.
My guess, assuming the pattern is followed, is that the broken down meaning of the word UNbirth will be seemingly paradoxical to the way in which unbirths are...
Also Xion's appearance changes.
Xenka's right. You can't base a connection solely off of a similar appearance, especially since Xion's appearance changes.
The tutorial could be more similar to the Roxas intro of KH2, except without the Dive to the Heart.
And going along with the theory that the mysterious voice in Sora's and Roxas's Dive to the Heart is in fact Ven (just a theory I heard), then who would be the voice during Ven's dive to the heart?
And we won't know what's going to happen in BBS until the game comes out. Yet we still hold discussions concerning unbirths and TAV just to throw ideas around, to speculate.
No one has discussed the title and I just wanted to hear some people's ideas.
But when you reach the Proof of Existence in KH2, Roxas's is still glowing blue as if he's still "alive". So assuming that Roxas and Xion share that PoE, are you saying that Xion is still alive?
There has to be more to the title than that if we're not supposed to understand it until the end of the game.
Plus Roxas stating that he will disappear from this world in 151 days provides more evidence that the meaning of the title isn't completely obvious.
One of the mysteries of the game is the title. Nomura has described the title of a sort of "code" that many won't be able to fully understand until they have finished the game, but also added that the word "Days" in the title was to symbolize the daily life of the Organization. He has also...
Assuming that they have a Dive to the Heart, who do you think would be shown on the ground?
With Sora, some of the PoHs were shown, and with Roxas, Sora and co. were shown.
But if TAV had a Dive to the Heart, who would be on the floor?
Maybe its the giant craeture that disappears behind Terra in the KH2 secret ending before he grabs Sora's keyblade.
But anyways, I was expecting more of a theory about unbirths
You have a point. The only sensible counter argument that I could make is that Roxas is a nobody whose power is based off of Sora (or Ven at this point) being a keyblade wielder.
However, there do seem to be quite a few connections that suggest the power of the keyblade is somehow related to...
Can you post the link to that trailer?
I haven't seen it, but it sounds like Ven is losing his memories and thus his ability to wield (assuming the link between memories and the power of the keyblade). And by "getting it (his memories) back", he'll once again be able to wield...
I was basing my comments off of your theory on Xion being No. I, or the number 1 experiment. In my opinion this scan provides evidence to your previous thread about Xion being the result of experimentation upon Aqua.
The orb is connected to MX's keyblade. Rewatch the video. This may sound srange (I read a theory about this ages ago), but it seems as if MX turned his keyblade into the orb so he could unlock Kingdom Hearts.
When he shoots the orb into the sky we hear it hit something before the blue moon...
I actually feel that the scan has more validity than you're giving it. There are subtle clues throughout the scan that seem to prove that Xion existed long before Roxas.
"An event rocking the Organization. Xion's awakening." Not something you say when some wakes up from a nap.
"Xion is awoken...
And to go even farther with possible connections:
MX is after Kingdom Hearts (either the heart of all worlds or the hearts of men)
Thus, thinking of Kingdom Hearts as a giant heart, it too is connected to memories
How screwing with memories could lead you to Kingdom Hearts, I'm not quite sure...
Thank you. I'll discontinue claiming that there is more to the term erase.
However, that proves that more than just keyblade wielders can erase (though I think we already agreed on this)
When taken under context with the few screenshots from the following scan, it seems extremely likely that this is some sort of illusion or recorded event that Roxas is witnessing.
If you show me the other times they have said "erase" it would be much appreciated and probably destroy my claim.
But, assuming that the term erase has only been used recently by Xion and Ven, I think there is much more to it than just death. Plus Nomura is much more careful with his word choice.