Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Old fat PS2 (Modified to open to use swap magic) (US)
Swap Magic DVD Ver. 3.6
Action Replay Max PS2 (US)
Ok, So i uploaded codes on the ARMAX for KHIIFM+
I turned on one code (Super Speed) and then put in the swap magic, it loaded swap magic
I swapped for KHIIFM+
Hit X for normal boot...
someone said that we see the org daily life, that IS new and i dont need to know japanese to understand that much, but it isnt any information like...a secret endin- omg these both shoudld have secret endings O.o
hell the american versions are probobly be better anyways...
i guess ill...
what i MEAN is of course im gunna get em in english, should i import to get 'em earlier?
cuz it might be a WHILE before a US release....
i still need to get a PSP though....
anyone know where i can get a psp cheap? ebay or somthin?
ive thought long and hard about this, of course im importing 358/2 days cuz its nothing REALLY new but what about BBS?
i mean....its gunna be uber kickass and all but i dont know japanese and wont understand the story?
should we all just wait for someone to make a biggass translation guide...
yah, with the abilities/get bonus list, a list of all abilities and what they do would be usefull, for example, what is flash step?
btw ive beaten KHIIFM in begginner, normal, proud, COMPLETELY, im working on critical right now
i pwn seph at lvl 45, i pwn data roxas on first try, i pwn data Xemnas on first try
Enigmatic Soldier....ummm....did...i...just...get...demolished....omg...this f**ker is actually hard...holy...$#!t...
Hes....so....freakin......hard......and i had EVERY ability besides auto-forms and neg combo...
lol, he was in a corner when he did the ending water stuff, and i stood there doing firaga, since it was all in one spot, i got ALL the mp orbs, my magic never ran out XD