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  1. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    No there is not. There is nothing. Goodnight everybody. Its nice that everyone will soon forget in the morning.
  2. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    *sigh* Everything... Why does it matter?
  3. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    Make me. I really have no reason to. I don't like all that affection and romance, it gets in the way and screws everything up.
  4. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    I really don't care about making others jealous cause I don't care about them.
  5. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    My dad has a short attention span. My 5 year old cousin has a bigger attention span than him. And it just really ain't worth it in my opinion cause if you are going to do all that kissing and can't get to the good stuff cause of the location then what is the point.
  6. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    Yeah well no where seems appropriate cause when a little kid spots you its downhill from there cause the parents have something to say. And I ain't talking about work, I am talking about public in general cause then they got to explain the whole sex thing to a little kid.
  7. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    No. My parents will make my life a living hell and for what some stupid ass who I didn't even bother to call cause I got him fired. No thanks I'll pass. Oh yeah thats right it was inappropriate cause he was at work.
  8. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    No seriously I didn't even like making out with a guy in public. I mean he was great don't get me wrong it was just inappropriate.
  9. D

    Help/Support ► Hating People Inlove?

    I can understand that. Whenever I see a couple doing something in public it is disgusting. I'm not jealous, just not into all that cause its ridiculous, it just seems like they could maybe keep that in the bedroom. I mean hello you are in public with friends and family and others we do not want...
  10. D

    Help/Support ► Talking Issues. Help please...

    I understand your pain. I was homeschooled and my mom was weird about it cause I didn't have a normal childhood as she would say but I really don't care, it kept me out of all the other things. Like drugs, and drinking, and getting pregnant at twelve like someone I know. I am not really...
  11. D

    is twilight thrn xions nobody?

    Maybe Nomura decided to mix it up a bit and have this character connected to no one, it doesn't hurt to be hopeful, and besides Nomura is always full of suprises.
  12. D

    Everything We Know About 358/2 Days So Far

    He only shows his evil side or I think he does, but anyway back to the topic of this thread.
  13. D

    Everything We Know About 358/2 Days So Far

    You can't help but love RK, but when he is evil he can be so mean.
  14. D

    The letter

    No, they are back on Destiny Islands and Sora and Riku are talking when Kairi comes running with the bottle that has the letter from King Mickey in it, and yes we are sure it is from King Mickey because it has his seal on the letter.
  15. D

    The letter

    Maybe it is about Organization XIII coming back but as humans because it is known that if you kill a heartless and their nobody they come back as a human, their former selves.
  16. D

    Sora's Singing Talent

    Xarhas is apparently in the mood for dirty jokes.
  17. D

    Sora's Singing Talent

    So then there is hope, even if Japanese fans are complaining way to much and I thought I heard something about someone in Square also getting bored with Atlantica, although I could be wrong.
  18. D

    Sora's Singing Talent

    I would rather listen to Haley Joel Osment than Jesse, please don't let Jesse sing. Haley's singing was good, but I doubt Atlantica will be in KH anymore because to many people complain that it has gotten boring.
  19. D

    Those three fairy things??

    Yes they are called the gullwings and the name of the keyblade they give you is gullwings. They had way to minor of a role in this, I thought they would have done something way more with them, but Paine is kinda my favorite out of the three, Rikku is too stupid and Yuna, I get this enough, that...
  20. D

    sora being beaten up why???

    Because almost everyone hates Sora and its funny and it gets people talking.