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  1. R

    Updated 358/2 Days Info

    Great info there seems to be alot of challenges developing for the DS but square pulled it off many timess but to be fair they pulled off the combat in Final Fantisy games because of its turn based nature so this is a competely different beast that Nomura must tackle. I bet they can pull it off...
  2. R

    Terra and Maleficent

    Actually they do start out knowing each other as stated here "Birth By Sleep takes place about 10 years before the original Kingdom Hearts. Before Sora wielded the Keyblade, there were other Keyblade masters. One of these masters, Xehanort, disappeared one day along with his apprentice. Another...
  3. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    ^^Exactly people fail to get that because a system is stronger then the other that the weaker one can't pull things off. You could make Kingdom Hearts 2 twice as long and make the graphics way better if you put it on the Wii but people think that it can't be done because of lazy developer ports...
  4. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    Chain of memories did not need a code for a name as its title was straight to the point. It's a thought and a likely one so if you know what the 2 mean by all means place it down and don't just go claiming your ideas as facts. The code could be reffering to more than Roxas story as Tetsuya said...
  5. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    I know it would make for an interesting story none the less.
  6. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    ^^ you posted exactly when I was going to it was not direct towards you though.
  7. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    PostMentalFerocity it takes place after 2 but will cover the event in KH1
  8. R

    BBS trailer confusion

    KH dude please stop getting my hopes up.
  9. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    Coded is only focusing on KH1 mysteries and Mickeys journey in the dark realm and how he got his keyblade. Riku's story which Normura wanted to tell would most likely be told in this game. I could be wrong but it's a extremely likely chance that this could happen.
  10. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    In other words why would he seek out Axel and give Namine to him. Then I remembered that I forgot that Riku only did that to repay Namine for what she did to help him out in Castle Oblivion. Also I would have to agree with Yamis. I mean playing as Riku in KH: COM was cool but it was under a...
  11. R

    Every room Hack

    At this point I wouldn't be suprised either.
  12. R

    Every room Hack

    Are you sudgesting that there could possibly be 6 more nobodies that were missing (I mean as in types or possibly orgnization members which I highly doubt.) BTW great find I remember seeing this somewhere before but never looked into it as other than a really cool hack.
  13. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    ^^ Exactly or something to that exstent. There was alot of time between KH:COM and KH2 for Riku to be explored. His missions could be a counteraction to how the orginization members were as he would be opposite to their cause. There could even be a boss battle etween him and Axel seeing as Riku...
  14. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    Exactly what I mean it seems a bit wierd but its one of the only explinations right now that can coexist with the meaning of the name.
  15. R

    KH 358/2 days idea

    In one of Normura's interviews he stated something thay got me thinking. Alot of people have sudgested that the two means that it tells the story of a secondary character and I believe this character is Riku. Look at the statement that Normura made. So, let's talk about this new story, which...
  16. R

    BBS trailer confusion

    I can only dream of that happining anything keeping Xenheart from kh2 as Terra.
  17. R

    BBS trailer confusion

    DaCapo4 I feel your fustration. I bet it was Ven though seeing as DS must have kicked his ass pretty bad for Mickey to show up after words to help out. Though Terra is still the most likely canidate.
  18. R

    BBS trailer confusion

    Thanks hopefully a trailer will come soon so we can see what is really happening.
  19. R

    BBS trailer confusion

    Okay alot of the BBS trailers kind of contradict each other here are some links and statements that are a bit wierd 1. ) "The scene then changes to Terra fighting against the mysterious dark male, who looks like he's in a bicycle suit, also from the secret ending. Terra manages to knock off...
  20. R

    Look at this of BBS

    That was awsome, very creative too.