Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?
Call me crazy, but I wanna see Black Cauldron! The Horned King would be one hell of a bad guy! D: He still gives me the geebees! *shivers in fear*
I loved those capes.....made them all look heroic and badass! Instead....we get an emo, a girl who's personality is flat....and sweet little Ventus. Yeah....shouldn't have dropped dem capes. I joke of course. I love BBS
Re: Is anybody else confused with why Axel is changing sides ? O_O
true, but I see him butting in for laughs. :3 I think those four (Kairi, Riku sora and Lea) will make for an interesting (if not humorous) fighting team. :3 oh I can picture the fan comics now!
Re: Is anybody else confused with why Axel is changing sides ? O_O
I totally agre Spocky. :3 besides, I feel that he'll fight Isa in hopes of getting his old friend back. I hope that'll b a bossfight...but again off topic. I've always liked Lea, so I know he'll keep surprising us until the very...
Re: Is anybody else confused with why Axel is changing sides ? O_O
Oh I know. :3 I just felt like expressing my thoughts yah? I has that tendency to get carried away...