Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I know is been confirmed before but people still keep hoping when they're wrong.
What are you talking about!? Re:Days would be epic! They could ellaborate more on the Org and add more missions,cutscenes,etc.
The reason Days sucked was because of the DS's limitations
Well the PSP 1000's battery life sucks (4-6 hours fully charged,screelight low)
PSP 2000 has a "screen glare" problem
Honestly I'd go with the 3000
Just avoid the Go.PLEASE!
Re: BBS Special Addition Confirmed(France)
I j*zzed my self when I saw the collector's edition o_o
Come on, Square!!! Seriously,wtf. NA has the second highest sales for KH(1st being Japan)
They better bring it here or I'll kill him *holds baby at gunpoint*