Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
You get it after the movie at memorys skyscraper...then all you have to do is drive until you randomly get it....like anti form only once you get final you can use it any time.
hmmm i like two.
1: master cuz i like that spinning move it makes me feel like im a belerina..........
2: final cuz its well its just cool like that.......
yes its random but it seems most people (like me) get it in a boss battle oh and you can get it in any world but i think if you battle a boss it helps....oh and when leveling up final you can only level up by killing nobodies.....i hope that answered your question.... :)
i noticed that too....hmmm maybe if someone has the japanese version they could tell us if those parts were in there........well i dont know...why would they leave those parts out....? :confused: *thinks hard
Hi im new here but you probably figured that out by the THread being in the new members section...any way well i dont know anyone here so yeah i need some freinds. Well thats all hope i didnt waste your time... :)