• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. D

    Birth by Sleep Official PSP Theme

    Im using it right now, i love it! :D It you cant download it, do you have WinRaR? That file is .zip so you need that program. In my case it just asked do you want open the file in WinRaR. Then Extract the khbbs_1.ptf file to PSP->THEME (dont the folder). Then you can use it ^__^
  2. D

    Birth by Sleep Pre-Orders at Gamestop

    Well I have nothing to say about Gamestop. I pre-ordered BBS from a finnish online store (which is one of the bestest stores in our country). It says Release date: 05/14/2010. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - 39.90e - PSP - Halfmoon Games I understand that the date can change but how did they...
  3. D

    Birth by Sleep Spoiler Thread

    Re: The Official Birth by Sleep Spoiler Thread Hex - you mean this? 《王国之心:梦中降生》OP视频 - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看 - 游戏 王国之心 PSP 梦中降生
  4. D

    Who is Vanitas?

    I also took a screenshot. Notice that Vanita's and Ven's eyebrown have the same look. Ven's dark side? I don't know :35:
  5. D

    Jump Festa 2010 Official Discussion Thread! [TRAILER RELEASED]

    Re: Jump Festa 2010 Official Discussion Thread! [NO TRAILER YET, STOP ASKING] Because i wasnt the first one to realize the thing and the topic still had ''no trailer dont ask''. Glory doesnt belong to be, thought you didnt notice that topic so i just wanted to remind you c:
  6. D

    Jump Festa 2010 Official Discussion Thread! [TRAILER RELEASED]

    Re: Jump Festa 2010 Official Discussion Thread! [NO TRAILER YET, STOP ASKING] Trailer is out http://forums.khinsider.com/future-kingdom-hearts/141545-official-site-has-update-again.html : ) Its downloading kinda slow but hey we get a chance to see it :lol: