Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
i love this song its so awsome
YouTube - Song: Lady Blabla - Rosetta Brown (to f%ck dressed in a woman Shin) LOL
some chick is singing about shin dressing up as a chick and please dont be mean about shin he really make a hot chick
well i was in stickam chat today with romeo nightingale from rouge morgue and the fans were talking about ps2 games and one fan asked if romeo liked kingdom hearts and he said he loves it he cant wait for the next game
so anyway has anyone else heard of famous people likeing the kingdom hearts...
no not the movie a sad day for happyness is a song from cinema bizarre who wboke up the band aint together anymore =(
cinema bizarre was my life my obession
its a sad day for happyness to day cause i found out my fave band broke up all the fans have been crying its the end of the world
but jack strify is going solo so that might be a good thing and mr hangover might be a wildflower to
so what do you think us fans should do fade into darkness,
aww cute i got the game on the 27th of november and finshed 21st of december 09 yesterday in australiai think xion was easy to fight i had hte full limit break easy as
hey i finished kingdom hearts 358 days 2day
i cryed at the end of the game so sad
i so idnt know wayne allwine died r.i.p
so what i what to know did anyone cry at the end of the game or was it just me:cry: