Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
i'll just lock my self in my room with a gun then and stop all my crazy stalkers. And if anyones gonna ask me how i'm getting it for free i'm not saying
YAY i live in europe and i'm KH2 for free. YAY. And i'm getting my PS2 modified...FOR FREE. YAY. which means i'll get it the same time as america.....YAY
credit goes to kh2.co.uk. This is the first section of the KH2 Ultimania interview's translated so.....YAY Not sure if this has been posted buit oh well
Tetsuya nomura interview
Around when was production completely finished on KHII?
I put a secret movie in the original because I was thinking...
My fave bits are when sora and marluxia and riku and Ansem are fighting. it's better to watch it in slow motion cos you can see what they're doing. And the bit where he gets trapped in the pod and then flies over the ocean
yeah it will most probobly or else it wouldn't make sense him ending up somewhere else straight away and besides it shows you in a trailer. OR you could be playing as bhk
I just logged on and theirs lots of stuff like a possible march release and other stuff like updates about the new scans. If it's been posted close this thread please :D
ok i was just loading up kingdom hearts ultimania and then this pic of pete in the lion knig world popped up and it just looks weird http://www.kh2.co.uk/ it's not big news but i just find that pic so weird and funny. If this has been posted before close this thread please