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  1. T

    The "I got Kingdom Hearts 2" Thread - Euro Launch!

    Sure you can, in the area with all the graves. Can't remember what it's called. Although I kinda get what you're saying. There should have been a savepoint right before the boss, instead of going through all those Nobodies...
  2. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Lol, offtopic: But your sig is so cool Aeris! Is it from anything? :D
  3. T

    Knights/Warriors/Secret Ending

    I remember reading another thread not long ago, although I have no idea where it is. They got the pictures of the knights and the one who broke his visor and tried to match it up. It came out with none of the 3 that we saw as matching I think. I wish I could find that thread.
  4. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    I saw an ad for KH2 for the first time yesterday on TV. The ad was on Foxtel though. And it was short, only around 8-10 seconds maybe.
  5. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Make sure you have time because the final boss goes for a bit and with added cutscenes... edit: I just started again on Rpoud mode. I'm gonna try get it 100% this time! So I'll probably go out and buy the Piggyback guide.
  6. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Yeah, mine was longer because sometimes I would accidently leave the PS2 on. Anyway, onto completing it 100%
  7. T

    The "I got Kingdom Hearts 2" Thread - Euro Launch!

    Finished the game now. Took 36-7 hours. But there is still so much more for me to do. I was only level 57, need to fight Sephy, work on my Synthesis, level up drive forms and complete the journal. Or I can do it all again in Proud mode.
  8. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Yeah, I finished it today, around 36-7 hours. That last part took so long. I was on level 57 I think. Now I am gonna try and complete everything 100% my battle report was very poor. Does anyone use summons? I used Chicken Little twice. 1 of those times was on accident.
  9. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Yeah, that was v/ annoying. And remember, you ran away from Mickey to go and fight. Then afterwards he finds you.
  10. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    It wasn't the first time for me, but I got it then aswell. Even with Mickey I got my butt kicked. The bad thing was everytime I retried that boss I kept getting anti-form so I had to go off and train for a bit. But now the game doesn't have long to go, revisit a few worlds and I'm off to TWTNW
  11. T

    The "I got Kingdom Hearts 2" Thread - Euro Launch!

    I have played it so much already. Around 25 hours. But I like to do everything. Still, I am far into the game so I need to limit how much I play a day so it lasts that little bit longer. I can always play again on Proud mode. update: now I'm upto like 29 hours. Revisiting Tron World now.
  12. T

    The "I got Kingdom Hearts 2" Thread - Euro Launch!

    Bah ha ha, me to! But I need to train to get past some parts. damn the fat guy thingo's!
  13. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Lol, I could have got the game on Tuesday D: But was at friend's house and yesterday I had to work. I was supposed to today..... but the game was just so tempting! XD
  14. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Ahhh, EB Games do have their copies. Well my store does. I couldn't go in to get it this afternoon though D: I still have to wait for Friday. Ah well, for all those that get it early. Have fun, but don't waste the experience. LOL
  15. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    I have a tour with our school band on that Friday! I get back at 5:30, so I am forcing the parental units to drive me to the mall afterwards so I can get the game. I'll be up all night playing, unless I fall asleep while doing so, which I doubt.
  16. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    The Piggyback guide. AHH, it was for sale at my Local EB Games store. I don't know how long it has been there, but it was! I would have baught it then and there but I had no money on me D: Yay, going to the mall again on Thursday or Friday.
  17. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Lol, I already know alot of the spoilers. But that can't compete with actually playng the game! :thumbsup:
  18. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    I didn't have school today :P Teacher strikes are cool.... now ontopic: Dark Fire speaks the truth, you can't just quickly finish a game that you have been waiting for so long for, take it all in and savour it.
  19. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Yeah, even if we don't get the Guide. The game is the most important thing of all! :loveit:
  20. T

    Official Australian and European KH2 discussion

    Yeah, if that's the case I'll just have to find a copy on e-bay.