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I mean the voice doesn't matter in this subject. Because her voice is female doesn't mean she can't change appear. I just me she changes appearance depending on her memory. This feeds into that Xion is the leaked out Sora's memories.
The voice doesn't really matter because her name is still Xion and has the voice but Xion appearance just has changed cuz of the memories xhe is full of.
I guess I know that but I give a reason and who she possible looks like and gives a different view on it. I have read other Xion theorys like mine but its not the exact same as mine
Well she changed her appearance for sure cuz they would not show her face so u noe that much and Roxas was in shock but she looked like Kairi cuz those were the memories that leaked out of Sora. Xion's appearance then changed to Roxas i think because of all the memories filled up in side of Xion...
She is a Female because she looks like Kairi cuz of those memories she has to look like her if you read the whole Theory it would make sense and i Noe it like the sixth one but this on makes the most sense and plausible.
I Just thought about Xion being Sora's Memories made real.
I noe this has been said before but the way i am explaining it make pefect sense now i dont no the specifics but the general idea makes perfect sense.
Now u need to watch these parts in these videos to understand what i am fully saying...
Sorry if this is in the wrong place but anywho.
I think Riku lost his heart and this could possibly lead to him have some type of Nobody tht might appear in KH3 or Coded. Well what make me to believe he lost his heart from wat Kairi say here
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts: Traverse Town - Fourth...
Personally i think that she said i want to be together with the 2 of you twice so far.
The first time she said it she was with Roxas and Axel at DI(i think) and she asked them how can i be together with two People at the same time.(refering to Sora and Kairi)
The second time she said it she...