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  1. R

    how to get the secrete ending?

    what else is there besides the chests?
  2. R

    how to get the secrete ending?

    hey guys, sorry if this was asked already I was told that you get the secrete ending by easy- cant get normal- complete jiminys jornal proud- beat the game, well i beat the gaem and its not there..... so how do i get it? also for jimminies jornal, do you jsut have to get al lthe chests? or hwat?
  3. R

    how to get the secrete ending?

  4. R

    Help! Have valor form but don't know how to use it!

    i didint use a drivei n that use dance, with valor, you kill less thne dancing
  5. R

    Wisdom Form

    no, to levle up master form, go into allidins world, go to the cave of wonders and kill the big red dudes, and if you get a big droup of enemies together and you to the spinny attack, you get tons, i elvled up to levle 5 in 2 hoursi n allidins world :)
  6. R

    titan tournament

    i use peter pan, but im still stuck, im stuck because at the 8th battle or soemthing you fight and i lose all my points..... maby try stitch?
  7. R

    Was it stupid....

    i havent gone ot the pridelands yet
  8. R

    THE OFFICIAL "Little things I found wrong with kh2" THREAD

    you go to the owrlds a 3rd time? is that after you fight saix? also, arieth was..... dumb. as far as i know, you can only fight as micky once intro was to long donald is competly oppsiate of the lasst game, donald was wise and " you cant take things ot other worlds" and know hes trying to steel...
  9. R

    drive form level up

    wow thanks dark sora, can anypne tell me if dark form is possible to use anytime, or is it just random, also is dark form supposed to be bad?
  10. R

    Did anyone else notice...?

    when did you see the crown?
  11. R

    Olympus tournaments

    what are al lthe colleseum cups? im stuck trying to beat the 2nd stage of the pegesus cup......
  12. R

    ~Ultimate Disney Summon~

    it might be cool to get tinkerbell, only she drops drive balls whale healling you maby pluto is a good diea zero would be great! he ocudl bel ike dumbo only he shots out........ white goast liek stuff?0.o
  13. R

    KH2 difficulty reward

    im aplying normal proud hten easyu i think also, or maby pround normal easy... i cant decide
  14. R

    Skip School for Kingdom Hearts 2?!

    im probably gonna fake sick thursday and firday, hell i mgith try to get sick.......
  15. R

    Skip School for Kingdom Hearts 2?!

    well, it comeso ut the 29th at my gamestop ( cal lthe store and make sure!!! trust me i waas todl the 28th and caleld to make sure today trust me!!) and so iscne i gt it the 29th. my grandma is getting me out of schoo learly during lunch and im gonig ot get it for mthe mall and jsut not eat...
  16. R

    Countdown thread: Org style

    son of a gun, kh22 doesent coem out till the 29th for me... 1 more day of mesery :(
  17. R

    Countdown thread: Org style

    if its zexion day, we need to get data for kh2, since he got data off of riku, zexion day is a sighn for preperation for kh2!!!! so close man
  18. R

    KH2 English Commercial

    sorry im a bad typer......
  19. R

    KH2 Release Date Discussion Thread

    some storesl iek to toture us, i recoment cheaking every game shop within about 4 hours form you and hwoever getis it sonner you drive there as fast as you can w/o getting a tickit if you, unliek me cna drive
  20. R

    KH2 English Commercial

    tyuo owuld think G4 and disney would have them by now wouldnt you? i mena it ocmeso ut in a few days, there some SANE kingdom hearts fans, who have put kh2 out of therme idns, and as soo nas thye see the ocmemricals, wouldnt the SANE kh fans have meories flodding back and beocme as INSANE as us...