Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Yay! Some one who isn't a jerk! :: hugs Riku_aus_lover :: Thank you for that post!!
By the way, to the two idiots who kept on saying "this post is pointless," -- It's a thing called "whimsical thinking" and it was for FUN. You should try making those some time. Maybe you two wouldn't be...
Excuse a moi' for asking people's opinion's on which KH 2 character would be good at cuddling! Yeesh!
( I quit doing chat forums for a couple of years and now I suddenly remember why. *fumes*)
Now i definately could use some cuddling. Anyone up for it? ;__;
This question came up in my mind earlier on today and I decided to make a poll out of it.
Who do you think would be better at cuddling? Whcih character would you like to cuddle with?