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  1. R

    How did this happen?

    Ive heard other people say how they thaught mickey was somehow connected to the organization and stuff but i was just wondering how mickey passed as an organization member and no one from the organization noticed. Just wondering. Any ideas?
  2. R


    ok thanks for the thread.
  3. R


    I know people say he's easy but ive spent days trying to beat him but he just wont die. anyone got any tips on what cards or certain sleights you should have? thanks.
  4. R

    Kingdom Hearts Re: Chains of Memories discussion

    Is there a release time that someone said already, i didnt read all te posts.
  5. R

    Marluxia: Deathscythe, and Blossom Shower?

    is marluxia really that easy? cause ive been tryin g for days and i still cant beat him. he's really getting on my nerves
  6. R

    What the Org did before...

    lol, nice, i kinda like the first one better
  7. R

    If anybody remembers

    Hey, remember when Roxas first fights Twlight Thorn. Before It appeared it looked like you could see one of the organization members. was that a member or just a Nobody?
  8. R

    Is it me, or is KH2 less chalenging than the first one?

    ya, i liked how you could get the special gummi ships to
  9. R

    new gba KH

    ya, they should keep it on the ps2, cause b4 i heard about it bein on the PS3 i didnt even want it but i wanna play the third one. way to expensive.
  10. R

    new gba KH

    i dont think they should make it for the DS or the psp, cause the one 4 gba was kinda boring, i dont think they need anouther handheld KH game
  11. R


    how do u get to the place where u make your own sigs?
  12. R

    green drive form

    hey, im new at this so no one get all mad when i ask this. is final mix for the PS2 or what? cause no ones tellin me
  13. R

    The worlds are getting smaller in the games

    has anyone noticed that in kh1 that when u went in one of the worlds u ahd more places to go to? in kh2 there arnt as many places u can go to even if it was the same world. Like in atlantica, it went to 15 places to 2 places u can go to
  14. R

    The other organization guys

    Hey does any body no about the organization guys like marluxia or the others, what happened to them, is there a movie or something?
  15. R

    Favorite Drive Form

    I like valor the bet for its quickness and all of the finishing combos he does
  16. R

    Favorite Drives

    If you could pick one drive you could be which one would you pick? mines the valor form
  17. R

    Deep Dive

    Hey does anyone no where i can watch some of the deep dive movies? if u do, can u give me a internet site
  18. R

    Just Wondering about KH3

    Hey im new to this so dont get mad if you already told other people but is there gonna b a KH3? if there is when is it commin?