Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
This makes me realize something sadder: Xehanort basically becomes a dark mirror of Eraqus. They are both extreme in their views but Xehanort was more determined to do what he thought was needed. As I put once, "...nothing can stop him from saving the world." That was in reference to him...
I don't remember posting about this two or so months ago but Dark Road did a lot.
First because it feels like some may misunderstand this; the darkness within Baldr is one born of the collective darkness of all within Scala. Baldr could feel the hearts of others and their darkness washed over...
If you take out the Sora connection then he's just some random OC with no connection to the story. Do literally anything else and KHII falls apart hard. Then Days falls apart because the main reason people were invested in Roxas was because he was set up in II and that set up came from his...
I agree, She states that memories never actually disappear though so I guess she may be able to bring one to the forefront, but she'd have to rearrange them in order to do so.
Namine had the power to mess with the hearts and therefore the memories of people connected to Sora specifically. It wouldn't happen normally from things like amnesia.
The version I'm familiar with also say 16th, so I guess Disney and I read the same one. Because these stories often have many variants because they were originally Oral Traditions..
Being completely fair Xehanort's clones are his past; Sora's are literally pieces of him whose autonomy leaves him comatose (at least before the stretches that were needed to get them back happened). I actually think that works better and cuts down on character bloat even if tragic. I also...
To be fair it's kind of impossible to not be that right now since the Book of Prophecies literally makes everything a prophecy in the long run... until the end of KH3 at least.
To be totally fair, the reason they break into the Radiant Garden castle and why they look so determined to do so at the end of BBS was never explained. Also Isa says that he was dedicated to finding X, but he also just got really jealous once Lea just made new friends. While he has some anger...
I have no problem with that since I'm much the same way, if I could keep my photos off the internet forever I would. It's just jarring the lengths the camera has to go to to keep him off screen.
Man I didn't know Nomura didn't like being on camera so much. It's really obvious too, if you watch the video everytime they talk to him it's either focusing on the crowd, or he's just out of shot (even making some very unnatural angles to accomplish this) I guess I didn't expect that.
Truthfully I don't want them because Disney doesn't seem to know what to do with those franchises. They got lucky with Marvel having someone who knew, liked and had the ability to uplift even the most unpopular characters like Iron Man and the Avengers who it may be hard to believe now, but only...
The last line in the BoP was something like "And so the light expired and the Darkness reigned" or something to that effect. When everyone loses and Sora gives into despair but before going back in time, that text shows up on screen. MoM also said something about wanting to be in the era beyond...
I'll start with the last part first. Yeah, no one knew each-other's roles, it's why people started to get suspicious of Ava when they found out she was recruiting people from the other Unions. Keep in mind that MoM never said to keep the roles secret outside of Luxu, so them doing this is...
I don't think Quadratum is the actual end all and be all afterlife. If it was it'd be anticlimactic and lessen the stakes about dying as soon as people returned to the real world. What I personally theorize is that it is such for people who have been banished from reality, meaning that if Kairi...