Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
When he goes to teleport to the middle of the floor, the effects are still there but Marluxia just randomly teleports to somewhere else, I.e, next to Sora or all the way on the other side of the field. I mean, it's not too bad. You could probably still beat him but it's very annoying when you...
The patch broke Marluxia's absent silhouette battle too. Are any of the other ones broken? Also the suction moves work fine for Nobodies. Wonder why the patch created new issues.
Really? It's not at the bottom of the cutscene list or anything? Maybe when the patch goes live soon or whenever today, that's when it'll be added? It's weird it's not there after downloading the dlc.
Instead of bumping an old thread about the first wave, I'm just gonna make a new one. I haven't seen any kh fansite report about this so I assume it's fair game or that no one really knows about it? Anyways about a month ago I was hunting around on Monogram's website to just see if they had a...
The more I listen to Ava's voice, the more I'm convinced she's voiced by Christine Marie Cabanos and the way Ira's VA delivers his line after Luxu chides him on the 7 seven lights reminds me of Matthew Mercer as Trey for some reason... but I'm glad to see more of Invi, Ava and especially Kairi...
as far as i know the lightning returns one was officially posted by square enix uk. because the only trailer ive seen is in france subtitles from square uk.
These trophies sound so much harder to get than the Final Fantasy Xiii and Xiii-2 ones
Fun. More time on my ps3 i could be using to beat my other games and stuff.
*Has issues with Square's trophies.*
Hopefully everything will be easier to get.
But the Moogle ones should be easy to get though.
Synthesis King shall be mine.
Google Chrome autotranslated the trophy list for me and some of them dont make sense at all though.
I like how the back cover says 'FOR JAPAN ONLY'.
So, would KH 1.5 look pretty good on a 46' tv? Because that's what I have and my FFXIII/XIII-2 games are stunning and beautiful on it.
Okay but then what about Namine's VA? I assume they won't bring back Britney Snow for Namine seeing as she only ever voiced Namine in 2 and Meghan Jette Martin in ever other KH game Nami's been in.
I'd be fine either, though honestly. I think Meghan gave more life to Nami than Britney did in...
I dont care so much for the fish faces on the Disney characters or Kairi, Namine, Aqua and Axel (cause theyre just so cute♥) but the fish faces that bug me the most are Sora and Roxas's.
ESPECIALLY when you're in the middle of a cutscene with no fish faces and then 'BOOM!' A fish face appears...