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Search results

  1. K

    358/2 new worlds

    Sweet! Now i feel prepared!
  2. K

    coded (obviously)

    Is Kingdom Hearts: Coded good? i want to play it, even though i know my parents won't let me get it on my phone any time soon. And what worlds are on Coded? Just curious.
  3. K

    new character?

    I heard that there is another member of Organization XIII. I am just a little confused. I thought that there was only the thirteen. Since i am sure that 358/2 Days takes place before KH2, was she possibly destroyed before Sora, Donald, and Goofy ever got to meet her? And whose nobody is she?
  4. K

    358/2 new worlds

    So, does anyone know what worlds are going to pop up in 358/2 Days? I know Twilight Town is going to be an obvious one, but i want to feel prepared when i go and buy it when it comes out.
  5. K


    Hi. I am new to KHInsider. I also have to say that this is my first time ever writing a thread. If anyone has any advice for me, just let me know. i am open to listening to what anyone has to say.