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Search results

  1. OnyxCrest

    A Small Change to the NA Edition of KH (POTENTIAL SPOILERS)

    I may be wrong but I think Nomura said he had no plans of a Final Mix version for KH3D. He may have never said it, I do believe he did though. God knows if he did make a FM the English version of KH3D would have to have at least one game breaking thing in it that the original Japanese version...
  2. OnyxCrest

    So how did Maleficent do this?

    Speaking of Ursula, anyone else wishing she would finally die yet? From what I have seen in trailers she is a boss. You would think three times would be enough. Like Land said when the good Fairies remembered here she came back to life. I think in the few seconds when Diablo (I believe that is...
  3. OnyxCrest

    KH3D Software Showcase Trailer! (Now on eShop)

    Re: Kingdom Hearts 3D Trailer now in eShop! *slithers in* I personally think it's not much, when they said Kingdom Hearts E3 I was thinking trailers, announcements.. a demo date. Like Sora2016 said I would really like to get used to the new combat before it is released. I am fine with it...