Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I think most of us are i definite agreement that Billy Zane was the best voice for Ansem (and to me the best voice in KH). They need to bring him back. Then I can accept their other new-crap voice choices (what happened to David Boreanez?).
It seems like C_U did abandon it, so It's at a halt right now. However I am doing season 2 of Evil Academy High School. It's in the fan-fic area, it's a new thread I'll post a link if you care to check it out.
Sy, The One He Fears here. If you haven't already heard, I'm bringing back EAH in all it's random and outrageous glory. I'll post the original chaps now to give everyone a refresh, so please post away. Your posts drive me to work for my readers!
- Please remember the time placement and...
Holy crap. TOHF is a bitch. I can't believe he left you all hanging like this. Well, it's time to put on my writers gloves and continue with the story. It seems that C_U has left my services so I can pick up "The Evil Academy High" story. My brain is stirring and there are people to please. I'll...
I changed Asuka's hair as you asked Gerard.
Here's a not really new, but recently uploaded picture.
I enjoyed that, except for the continuity error of you telling the Prince your name. Since TOHF sent the Prince on a mission to find and kill Gerard. So in the next chap, make the Prince remember and forgive the "kill Gerard" thing.
I told him to just call it "The Island of Time", but we need to put "Rikku's Last Mission" so it would be read but the 'faithfuls' and 'true believers'.
Well, I'll agree that Kaileena's credentials may be shady, but she is the Empress of Time. That's like going to Rome and having the Pope baptize you; it's gotta count for something.
Queasy, heh. Yay! Well here it is, I'll handle the next chapter also. Sorry if it's short.
Chapter After the Other: Evanescence - Taking Over Me
As Gerard started training with the Prince, preparations for the wedding had come to a close. Within the Throne Room of the Fortress, Sirius stood...
I'm sorry everyone, really. Even to you Pickle; I've been doing alot of SAT prep and other crap so I've been bogged down. I'll write at school today.
Sorry for the inconvenience, true believers.
If it makes you happy, I've planned out more of the ending, Gerard! :D