Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Re: KINGDOM HEARTS 3D Countdown - Day I!
All of the entries are amazing it makes me think that I should've done something I think it's great that people could put they're time into creating those entries and it's great the people are so excited for the game's release years ago I thought barely...
Dang they're funny thinkin ima wait for the game 4 days later jus for 30% more in store credit I feel like I've waited long enough
I bet they still have some in those little areas where no one ever goes to those gamestops Ive lived by one for six years and only seen it crowded once
I'm surprised about how much detail they put into the Symbols on the box and how they mentioned roxas's XD It really gets me excited about how he's gonna interact with the game espically when the final boss in re-coded (I am 99 % sure it was him) was roxas
How about we all just tattoo some...
Re: KH 3D Commercials
It probably wasn't shown on Disney channel's "game on" because in like I think it was 2006 when kingdom hearts 2 came out everytime they showed they're get connected thing or they're disneyland and disneyworld commercials they always had to deal with kingdom hearts 2 and I...
Re: KHInsider interviews Ben Diskin!
So did u actually expect to be working on a kingdom hearts game or a video game at all and if u did did u expect to be working on such an important role that you are playing in now
If anyone has noticed soras facial expressions always look Sooo happy in the manga's and if he doesn't look happy then he looks surprised in an almost happy way XD I wish I could be as happy as him
Who ever had made the openings before (I really forgot they're name) they said they had made the longest opening do far and it was like 10 minutes and so far from all the little clips I've seen it seems like the best opening so far espically how parts of it were made like a story book
Dangg I really wish I could be there I was supposed to go to new York by then but things happened but I think that's pretty cool they have something going on like that and im surprised Nintendo let that happen I mean like they normally only do special events for Nintendo games and never the 3rd...
Tai yasue kept saying ps3 at the end of his interview I know the ps4 Xbox 720 ect should be comming out soon but sense he said it twice I guess it could e an idea that they still want to stay with Sony for kingdom hearts 3
U know what I really hope that the next part of the interview actually...
hey im not sure if anyone noticed but on ign.com they have the full kingdom hearts dream drop distance review!!!! watching that makes me even more excited for the game and it got an awesome score click here to see the review
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Review - IGN
Re: New Gameplay Video of KH3D!
I loved the whole video but the whole new way to travel worlds looks bland I mean like u scroll like its on chain of memoires like there not much wrong with it it just dosent seem as in depth as the other games when they traveled to different worlds but other...