Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Good Morning people of KHI.
I am Lucif.
I actually join this place back in 2004 when it was kh2.net
instead of kh insider.
Under the name of Sora ReMix
Though I am not sure if that account exists here anymore.
I suppose you can say I am new all over again.
This is my hello.
Talk to...
Do what feels right, in the end you have to live for yourself and live the life that you want.
Life is about taking risks and making the most of it.
If you're stuck with a job you dislike then you will most likely not enjoy life as much.
Pursue your dreams. Even if in the end, you end up...
Well I need to know more about her.
What exactly do you guys talk about? I need to know the details if you want me to tell you if shes going to end up playing you or not.
I pretty much feel the same way, but thats when I decide to stay home.
I went to san fransisco on thursday.
So for me its eaither... The same shit everyday and then theres those days where I do shit that I've never done before.