Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Wait I think I get Deep Dive!!!!When everything is coming back to the unknown the last line is the true keybalde master!!!And Sora is coming to the spooky beach where the unknown is sitting!!!He's coming back!!!
Is it me or is every good rap artist from the South? Think about it:
Lil jon/eastsideboys,Ludacris,mike jones,paul wall,slim,thug,UGK,Webby,Trick
daddy,Trina,Youngbloods,Lil scrappy,Lil bowwow,Ciara......It just keeps going!It's time for a new era.
Prepare yourself, don't look at it for 2 long or you will go blind. His name is the elephant man and (goes blind) oh crap.The sun ain't got nothing on the elephant man!!!!LMFAO!!!!This dude does the reggae rap man.This is just disgusting!!!
EDIT:Is that a rip in her pants? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!
Dude Im 2 young 4 this LOL.
Anyways this girl had a crush on me in the 4th grade(and I liked her 2)but she didn't know that.So 1 time me and my gang of crazies was hangin out and she was talkin to her "girlfriendsz"LOL and she gave me her digitz.I thought she was playin but she probably wasn't...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!I don't know about you but for me,school is gonna start in like about 2 weeks!!!!! It's like the opposite of christmas........At least G-phoria is coming too.
Edit: Tomorrow Sora'sgirl??? I wish you luck.
I wanna know all the characters you think Sora will fuse with.
Goofy=Valor form
Donald= Wisdom form
Bhk=Twilight form?
Mickey=King form?
Riku=Dawn form?
Jiminy Cricket<(bad joke)=Green form (couldn't think of a name)
If you didn't guess it already, the last 4 were guesses.