Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Meh.... I've boycotted IGN permanently since all the Final Fantasy ( especially VII) hate that comes from their contributors. I am not the only fan to start shinning all the slime that profuses from IGN....
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.
No, I'm just commenting on the fact it is good to hear from Nomura so we know he is doing ok. Best of wishes to him. :D
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.
Excellent point...Makes me less anxious over the 'strange companions' comment.
Not that I don't trust Nomura to make a non forehead slapping plot...
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.
I love 3D, lol.
I'm just saying..I fear another new trio of characters.
I liked and accepted Xion, Aqua, Ventus, and Terra, but I'm kind of done with the new characters.
Nomura can save that for post-Xheanort Saga. [laughs]
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.
Nomura, its too late to save us from an overly drawn-out plot. You've already drawn the plot out beyond despair. In what COULD have been a simple Saga:
KHI: The beginning
KHII: Organization XIII
KHIII: The Conclusion
You've instead thrown in a lot of gobbly...
Re: BBS more than likely to be on PSN now...
There's no need for it though.
As BBS V2 will be available (*cough for the PS3 *cough).
Why not make KHI and KHII for the PS network?
Re: BBS more than likely to be on PSN now...
How many times does it need said,
Birth By Sleep V2 will be a remix for the PS3, so there's really no need to put it on the PS network.