Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Re: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days Final Mix
Seeing as how Days originally came out on the DS it would make better sense then having to go to the trouble of putting it on the PS3 or Wii.
Re: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days Final Mix
I was just meaning that even if they did make it it wouldn't really matter to us since it would never come stateside. No need to be rude.
Edit: Then again the DS is region free...
I demand proof.
Back on topic...really, Lea? I was hoping for Ale or at least Lae but THIS? The only way Axel's others name can be redeemed in my eyes is if Saix's turns out to be Isa.
-insert excited waving here-
Hi everyone - I'm back! =^-^=
I'm not sure if anyone actually remembers me seeing as how I never really posted a lot before but...at any rate I'm back and planning on being a bit more active this time around.
Oh, yeah. It's not New Year here yet but -cough-...
Sounds a bit like the problem me and my dad had a couple years ago about when I got my dog. Just keep wearing him down and he'll eventually say yes.
This is going to sound like a weird question but just how many cat's do you have?
Nope, I got 20/20 vision.
That’s more or less what I’m doing this summer. I’m currently signed up for a summer course on video games/ computer graphics development that I SHOULD be attending during July this summer.
And thanks for the tip about the games with maps – I’ll try that out sometime...
‘Ello everyone, I’ve got a bit of a problem on my hands.
I’m a sixteen year old girl who is going to be a junior next year and ever since I was twelve I’ve always wanted to design video games and stuff like that. I am highly evolved in my school’s clubs and activates and am constantly away on...
According to my friends, I'm a really good therapist so if ya need anyone to talk to just PM me anytime - I'm always available to help ayone who needs it!