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Re: Kingdom Hearts 3D Collector's Edition Announced
Just woke up (3:00pm over here)
Went online
and this news honestly made me jump around saying WOOHOO
Finally, 4 years of Japanese in high school pays off
But i was wondering, I hit 350 points but i don't know what to do now....
I can't find the application
I think the problem with Kingdom Hearts games in general is that they're console jumping....
PS2 -> GB -> PS2 -> DS -> PSP -> 3DS
The main problem i've had is that i've been buying new consoles just to play these games -_-''
I only bought a PSP and a 3DS for the point of playing the games
I always thought that the memories came in gradually as KH:CoM was going
the puppet/container could have been made whenever but they needed Namine to take and forge the memories didn't they?
I'm trying to get to level 99 and it's taking forever at the mirage arena.
Anyone have any good suggestions?
The walker trick is taking forever and the radiant garden thing isn't working for me because my radiant garden level is level 6
I bought the 3DS back in the day when it was $250 and didn't register mine so i didn't get the 10+ free games for it -_-''
Legend of Zelda 3D
Star Fox 64 3D and Tales of the Abyss 3D were the only legitimate reasons that I could think of getting a 3DS before KH3D came out
Re: The World Ends with You
Your best bet is to get it new from Amazon or something.
Getting it new from Amazon is the same price as getting it used from gamestop haha.
After an awesome ending to BBS:FM I'm actually excited for BBS volume 2
but how much can they expand on that ending?
There's no such thing as a KH game without a trio and so far it just looks like an extra aqua episode...