Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?
According to an interview on GI some of the devs really enjoyed the movie Frozen. They didn't say it would be in the game but I'm pretty sure it will be. That's one disney movie I don't know the story to so at least the story...
Re: The Official VA Discussion Thread - What VAs do you want to see return for KH3?
I see the show sometimes, I'd seen her character in Nashville before but I didn't know that character was her until I saw her in a commercial and it showed her name.
Some more pictures in the link: [RUMOUR] PROJECT BEAST, From Software, PS4, looks like a new souls game, /v/ leaked screenshots and art. Thoughts? : DarkSouls2
Just tell me if I need to buy demon's souls, from
I'm guessing everyone already knows what this is. After learning about RO I found out about this. Any guesses on when it'll come out overseas? I'd buy a Vita just for this.
At least there was a plot throughout the whole game which is more than you can say for 3D. Still 3D was more fun to play and when it did get to the plot it was pretty damn good.
Thread where we can talk about the music we heard sitting in the backseat in our parent's cars and hated back then but love now.
Realistic medieval RPG with no magic and no dragons and any of that other stuff. Seriously has this even ever been done lol
After seeing SAO I've kind of been interested in playing an mmo, I was thinking about Guild Wars 2 but I heard that it's not as popular as it used to be. Any other suggestions?
Game is in development for three years
Turtle Rock has around 75 employers
Very lush and large outdoor enviroments
Lots of AI wildlife
Monster evolves by eating the wildlife
Share's a portion of the story, says it isn't the focus
Only shows hunt mode
Monster wins if incapacitates or kills all 4...
Since there's a PC thread I figure there should be an indie thread. After finding out about them I'm now aspiring to be an indie developer myself. Talk about indie games you've played, want to play, or are working on yourself.
Here are a few I'm looking really foward to: