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Search results

  1. T

    (SPOILERS) Union X: The ark to the future

    Our boy HMK posted a good video not too long ago: He doesn't go into everything, like how Darkness speaking to Malificent about her dealings with MX spotlights Vanitus as the only other entity who would have been present at MX's side to witness said exchange (and hence be able to speak of it...
  2. T

    The message, the darkness.........

    I posted this after the last story update: https://www.khinsider.com/forums/index.php?threads/the-traitor-is-here-now-not-back-then.221222/ Sure, there are some things off, like Ava passing a message along instead of MoM, but still........CALLED IT! F@CKING CALLED IT!!! :LOL: The fact that...
  3. T

    The identity of "darkness"

    Too obvious, eh? I see your point......damn Nomura...........:mad:
  4. T

    The identity of "darkness"

    Yet another brow-beater we've been banging our heads against for months on end. But when looking at the facts, I believe I've cracked it. So, let's go...... From his speaking of both the events of KH Union x as well as from the current day, it's pretty clear that Darkness is also a...
  5. T

    The "traitor" is here, now, not back then......

    I've been sitting on this one for a while, and with the release of this new story content I've got the KH fever again. So, I must expunge it..... We all remember wracking our brains trying to discover who the "traitor" amongst the Foretellers was not too long ago. Lots of theories abound, but...
  6. T

    For now, just a couple unanswered questions.....

    I know we all have a ton of questions about the future of KH. These are just a couple that I picked out as "maybe" having an answer, and yes, major spoilers coming up, so here goes: First, Sora's "price to pay". Young Xehanort mentions this twice near the end (first in Big Hero 6 world, then...
  7. T

    Protectors of Light

    So, it seems we agree on Axel/Lea, but are still on the fence about Terra and Kairi. Let's start with Kairi. Reasons aside, at the end of the day, I pick her because, hey, there's nobody left who can wield a Keyblade! Unless there's someone I missed in my previous post. Now, could another...
  8. T

    Candidate for 13 Darknesses

    Hmmm, yes, not knowing that MF's indentity had been revealed debunks my theory before it even has a chance to exit the starting gate :( By the way, where does it say that? Did I miss a Nomura interview, or perhaps not read the Ultimania closely enough?
  9. T

    Candidate for 13 Darknesses

    I hearby nominate Mysterious Figure from BBS as one of the 13 darknesses. I do this because of who I believe he is: MX's Nobody. Created when Terra used MX's Keyblade to remove both their hearts. Hence, the second time MX had his heart removed in Radiant Garden, not the first time at the...
  10. T

    Protectors of Light

    If Kairi was not going to be a Keyblade wielder for the light in KHIII, why give her a Keyblade to begin with? Not to mention they spent 3 different games setting up this whole thing: KHII, she uses a Keyblade completely out of the blue. BBS, they explain how she is able to use a Keyblade i.e...
  11. T


    Got a theory in the works, but gotta ask this first: Ansem the Wise's experiments into the "workings of the heart" were what created the Heartless. So, back in BBS, if a person lost their heart to darkness a Heartless was not created, since the Heartless did not exist back then (Neoshadow and...
  12. T

    YMX's Keyblade

    The Kingdom Hearts fervor has come over me again, so I will ride it out with questions I need answered. First, why does YMX wield a different Keyblade than his older counterpart? When MX possessed Terra, he started using his own dark Keyblade instead of Terra's. Yet when MX possessed YMX, he...
  13. T

    KH3D Livestreams, Comprehensive Impressions, and Playthroughs!

    Man, it's getting harder and harder to skim through all these posts (without spoiling oneself) in search of subbed videos. At least there's one so far. That's good :)
  14. T

    KH3D Livestreams, Comprehensive Impressions, and Playthroughs!

    Re: KH3D Livestreams! Something I've always wondered: Looking at Japanese games like this one there's an awful lot of English text in the game. Just how many people in Japan can read English? Is it a required course in school or something?
  15. T

    Identity of Robed Figures

    Young Master Xehanort: Aren't there hearts confined within you too? I don't know if the Japanese--English translation will change this sentence much, but YMX talking about hearts "confined" within himself and Sora.........I just can't see it meaning mere "connections" with other hearts, rather...
  16. T

    Identity of Robed Figures

    Dude, that statement was wrong right from the start. Sora does not have one heart inside him, he has two: his own and Ventus's. And for most of KHI, he had three: his own, Ventus, and Kairi's! Granted, Kairi got hers back a long time ago, and during 358/2 Days Roxas had Ven's heart (even...
  17. T

    Identity of Robed Figures

    So many good points, so little time. Firstly, is it such a big leap to assume the red-eyed cloak dude is one one the MX's throne room lackeys? We know from the room red-eyes is standing in that he is standing in the fortress itself, with the throne room being pretty damn close. Not to mention...
  18. T

    Identity of Robed Figures

    I'm speaking of all those robed figures in the throne room, which I'm assuming are the same ones that Braig summoned as well. It's a little late in the so-called "Xehanort saga" (which ends with KHIII) to introduce that many new villians all at once when KHIII is right around the corner. I...
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    Red-Eyed Unknown

    From the backround, we can see that this "being" is present inside the dream version of TWTNW, Xemnas's fortress. This is also when Braig appears with all those other robed figures (which I'm assuming are the same ones present in the throne room). Maybe this is simply a teaser as to what lies...